Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Simple Present Tense

Kalo kita ngomongin kegiatan sehari-hari pasti ada hubungannya dengan Tense, ini materi yang kita akan bahas kali ini. Coba tebak tense kita kali ini apa? Ya betul, present tense. Simak baik" ya ^_^
Simple present tense is used to express habits, general truth, repeated actions or unchanging situations, emotions, and wishes.

Besides that, to give instructions or directions and to express fixed arrangement, present or future.

Adverb of time:
- Always 
- Never
- Every 
- Often
- Seldom
- Usually
- Sometimes
- Everyday
- Etc.
The pattern:
- Verbal sentences
(+) S+verb I (s/es)+object
(-) S+do/does+not+object
(?) Do/does+S+verb I+object?
(+) He sees stars in the sky.
(-) He does not see stars in the sky.
(?) Does he see stars in the sky?

- Non verbal sentences (nominal sentences)
(+) S+to be (am/is/are)+noun/adjective/adverb
(-) S+to be+ not+noun/adjective/adverb
(?) To be+S+noun/adjective/adverb
(+) He is handsome.
(-) He is not handsome.
(?) Is he handsome?

1. Verbs ending in –y: the third person changes the –y to –ies.
2. Add –es to verbs ending in :-ss, -x, -sh, -ch
He teach→he teaches
She pass→she passes
He fix→he fixes
It push→it pushes


Indah :"Hi, Kasah."
Kasah :"Hi, Indah."
Rini:"How are you?"
Indah :"I'm fine, thanks. And you?"
Kasah :" I'm fine too, thanks."

Percakapan singkat diatas udah termasuk greeting loh. Setelah diteliti lebih lanjut, bukan cuma itu saja. Penasaran? check it out!

Greeting is an act of communication in which human being intentionally make their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship or social status between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other.
Some expressions you can use to greet other people

- Formal greeting:
- Good morning (until about lunch time, or before 12 a.m.)
- Good afternoon (12-16p.m.)
- Good evening (until about 9 p.m.)
- Good morning, Sir/Madam

- Informal greeting
- Hi, Lizzy!
- Morning, Jim!
- Hello

- Initilal greeting:
- How are you?
- How’s it going?
- How are you going?
- How’s life?

- Responding to initial greeting:
- Very well, thank you and how are you?
- I’m good/ okay/ alright.
- Very well, thank you.
- Oh, pretty good.
- Not too bad, thanks.
- Fine, thanks.
- Excellent.

- Pre-closing:
- Ok then…
- I’ve got to go now
- So, I’ll see you next week
- I think I’d better be going now
- Well, it’s time for me to leave
- I think it’s already late at night
- I must be going home

- Closing/leave taking:
- Goodbye (formal/informal)
- Bye-bye; bye; good bye
- See you later
- See you soon
- See you tonight
- Good night (after 8 p.m. or retiring to bed)
- Good night, Dad/ Mom

- Responding of leave taking:
- See you
- Take care
- Fine 
- Ok
- Alright
- Good night, dear

Introducing oneself and other people
• Introducing oneself
- Let me (allow me to) introduce myself. I’m …(Rini)
- Hi, my name’s …(Rino)
- Hello, I’m Ratna. How do you do?
- Good morning, Sir. I’m Rini your new secretary.

• Responding
- Hello, I’m …(Rina)
- Hi Rino. I’m Sinta.
- I’m Rama. How do you do?
- Good morning, Rini. Pleased to meet you.

• Introducing someone to other people
- Please let me introduce the keynote speaker for this occasion, Ms. Rebecca Coogan
- Jelita, I’d like you to introduce my brother buyung. Buyung , introduce my friend Jelita.
- Reno, this is Marni. Marni, this is Reno.

Example in dialog
Greeting and leave taking
Rini:”Hello, Charlie.”
Charlie:” Hello, Rini.”
Rini:”How about our task?”
Charlie:” What? Can you repeat it again?”
Rini:” Ok, how about our task?
Charlie:” It is not yet finish.”
Rini:” So, what will we finish our task?”
Charlie:” At Sunday. Do you want?”
Rini:” Ok. Well, it’s time for me to leave. See you tomorrow.”
Charlie:” See you. Bye.”

Introducing someone to other people
Charlie:” Hi, Rini. We meet again.”
Rini:” Hi, Charlie. Yeah, glad to see you again.”
Charlie:” M e too. How’s life?
Rini:” Great.”
Charlie:” By the way, please meet my girlfriend Gina. Gina, this is Rini my friend.
Rini:” Nice to meet you, Gina.”
Gina:” Nice to meet you too, Rini.”


Ga cuma kepandaian buat memanage dan tau tentang seluk beluk bisnis, para pengusaha maupun pedagang harus ngerti nih ma yang satu ini yaitu advertisement/iklan. Iklan berguna banget sebagai media promosi mereka untuk menjual/menawarkan dagangan yang dijual.Betul ga? Daripada panjang lebar, mending kita baca materi nya yuk. Hehe

Advertisement is information for persuading and motivating people so that it will attract them to the service and the thing that are offered or informed.
Function of advertisement:
1. Promotion
2. Communication
3. Information

In making an advertisement keep the following points:
1. Language of advertisement
- Using correct or suitable words
- Using the interesting and suggestive expression
- Using positive expression
- Text advertisement should be directed to the goals

2. Content of advertisement
- Objective and honest
- Brief and clear
- Not mocking to group or other product

The placement of advertisement                                                              
n advertisement usually placed on:
- A public area 
- Newspaper
- Magazine
- Billboard
- Etc.

The kinds of advertisement
1. Commercial advertisement
- Product advertisement (goods or service)
- Job vacancy
2. Covert advertisement

Example of advertisement
Southgate Area
Brand new luxury 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. 
At the Heatherdowns and Green Street. Convenient to Southgate Centre. Close the bus route 22.
Rentals from $250 include the following utilities: heat, air, shag carpet, appliances, dishwasher, patio, laundry, room, pool, 1 year lease and security deposit.
One-preschool-aged child considered in 2 bedrooms.
Absolutely no pets.
Model open weekdays 1-6, Sun. 1-5 or by appointment 241-7721. Managed by Sands Corporation.
An equal housing opportunity.

Perfect Tense

Nah, materi ini ni yang bikin aku bingung, dari pada sama-sama bingung lebih baik kita pelajarin sama-sama. Are you ready?

Perfect tense is used for describing a past action’s effect on the present.

The pattern of present perfect tense
(+) S+have/has+verb 3 (been) +object
(-) S+have/has+not+verb 3+object
(?) Have/has+S+verb 3+object

(+) I have been in Bandung before.
(-) I have not learn English since three years ago.
(?) Has he awoke from his bed?

Adverbs used:
- Once 
- This week
- Twice
- Since Monday
- Lately
- Many times

Past perfect tense is a kind of tense that is used t describe an action or an event that started in a certain time in the past and completed or finished till certain time in the past too.

The pattern:
(+) S+had+verb 3+complement
(-) S+had not+verb 3+complement
(?) Had+S+verb 3+complement

(+) They had been at school before at 07.00a.m.
(-) I had not slept for a this when I met my cousin.
(?) Had he studied music for a year when I began it?

Adverbs used:
- One 
- Twice
- From 1995 to 2000
Future perfect tense is used to describe an action or events that started in the past and finished at the future.

The pattern:
(+) S+shall/will+have+verb 1 (been) +…
(-) S+shall/will+not+have+verb 1(been)+…
(?) Shall/will+have+verb 1 (been)+…

(+) We shall have arrived at Cilacap by Monday.
(-) They will not have been at school by the end of this week.
(?) Will you have been a police by next year?

Adverbs used:
- By Sunday
- By next year
- By next month
- By the end of this week
- By the end of this month

Vocabs : Shapes, Part of Body

Materi yang satu ini berguna bagi kehidupan kita, mengenali bagian-bagian tubuh dan berbagai macam bentuknya. Mau tau lebih banyak lagi ? Let’s check it out

Shapes is all the geometrical information that remains when location, scale dan rotational effects are filtered out from an object.
Contoh SHAPES:

Simple Straight sided shapes
Simple Rounded shapes
3D shapes
Mathematical shapes
Pentagon - 5 sides
Octagon - 8 sides
Beragam shapes


                                           Image 1.1 Example of Shapes

Part of Body

·         The Body = Tubuh 

1.Hair = Rambut
2.Head = Kepala
3.Neck = Leher
4.Throat = Tenggorokan
5.Shoulder = Bahu
6.Chest = Dada
7.Back = Punggung
8.Waist = Pinggung
9.Stomach = Perut
10.Hip = Pinggul
11.Bottom = Pantat
12.Armpit = Ketiak
13.Arm = Lengan
14.Upper arm = Lengan Atas
15.Elbow = Siku
16.Forearm = Lengan Bawah
17.Wrist = Pergelangan Tangan
18.Fist = kepalan tangan
19.Hand = tanagn
20.Palm = Telapak Tangan
21.Thumb = Ibu Jari
22.Finger = Jari Tangan
23.Nail = Kuku
24.Leg = Kaki
25.Thigh = Paha
26.Knee = Lutut
27.Calf = Betis
28.Ankle = Pergelangan Kaki
29.Foot = Kaki
30.Heel = Tumit
31.Instep = Kura-Kura Kaki
32.Sole = Tapak Kaki
33.Toes = Jari Kaki

·         The Insides = Organ Dalam

1.Brain = Otak
2.Windpipe = Batang Tenggorokan
3.Heart = Jantung
4.Lung = Paru-Paru
5.Liver = Hati
6.Kidney = Ginjal
7.Intestines = Usus
8.Bladder = Kandung Kemis
9.Vein = Pembuluh Balik
10.Artery = Pembuluh Nadi
11.Muscle = Otot

The Eye = MATA
1.Eyeball = Bola Mata
2.Eyebrow = Alis Mata
3.Eyelid = Kelopak Mata
4.Eyelashes = Bulu Mata
5.Pupil = Manik Mata
6.Iris = Selaput Pelangi

·         The Face = Wajah

1.Eye = Mata
2.Noise = Hidung
3.Ear = Telinga
4.Mouth = Mulut
5.Cheek = Pipi
6.Chin = Dagu
7.Temple = Pelipis
8.Forehead/Brow = Dahi / Kenig
9.Jaw = Rahang
10. Moustache = Kumis
11.Beard = Janggut
12.Tooth = Gigi
13.Lip = Bibir
14. Tongue = Lidah